
  1. 2. home entertainment machine
  2. 6. video games
  3. 10. first arcade machine
  4. 12. stage of development in video games
  5. 13. of video game being made
  6. 17. video gaming home console
  7. 20. the game pacman
  8. 21. video game console
  9. 22. stage of development in video games
  1. 1. video games generally located in amusement parks
  2. 3. for simulation of total atomic global exchange
  3. 4. out loads of information and has many uses
  4. 5. interactive entertainment
  5. 6. of frames per second
  6. 7. that have three dimensions
  7. 8. with one person
  8. 9. the game space invaders
  9. 11. the coding into the game
  10. 13. trail or example of a product
  11. 14. to make first chess program
  12. 15. amount
  13. 16. held gaming device
  14. 18. first home console
  15. 19. with multiple people
  16. 21. budget game