Sumatif Tengah Semester Kelas VII

  1. 1. (02.00) it is ... O'clock
  2. 4. 5 in English
  3. 6. The English of "Bulan Maret"
  4. 7. The English of "Warna Kuning"
  5. 9. (07.10)it is ten ... seven
  6. 12. The spelling of letter "H"
  7. 14. The English of "Bulan Agustus"
  8. 17. O rainbow, O rainbow, how ..... you are
  9. 18. The English of saudara laki-laki
  10. 20. The English of "Hari Jum'at"
  11. 21. The English of "Warna Hijau"
  12. 22. The English of "Hari Sabtu"
  13. 23. My ... is Fikram
  1. 1. 20 in English
  2. 2. The spelling of letter "B"
  3. 3. The English of "Ibu"
  4. 4. The English of "Pertama"
  5. 5. There are 7 ... in a week
  6. 8. The Spelling of letter "Y"
  7. 10. What ... is it? It is one O'clock
  8. 11. The English of "Keluarga"
  9. 13. There are 24 ... in a day
  10. 15. (09.40) it is twenty ... ten
  11. 16. The English of "Hari Ahad"
  12. 19. 11 in English