- 1. (02.00) it is ... O'clock
- 4. 5 in English
- 6. The English of "Bulan Maret"
- 7. The English of "Warna Kuning"
- 9. (07.10)it is ten ... seven
- 12. The spelling of letter "H"
- 14. The English of "Bulan Agustus"
- 17. O rainbow, O rainbow, how ..... you are
- 18. The English of saudara laki-laki
- 20. The English of "Hari Jum'at"
- 21. The English of "Warna Hijau"
- 22. The English of "Hari Sabtu"
- 23. My ... is Fikram
- 1. 20 in English
- 2. The spelling of letter "B"
- 3. The English of "Ibu"
- 4. The English of "Pertama"
- 5. There are 7 ... in a week
- 8. The Spelling of letter "Y"
- 10. What ... is it? It is one O'clock
- 11. The English of "Keluarga"
- 13. There are 24 ... in a day
- 15. (09.40) it is twenty ... ten
- 16. The English of "Hari Ahad"
- 19. 11 in English