Sumerian Civilization

  1. 3. Sumer invention used falling water to measure time
  2. 4. the science of building
  3. 6. land w/diff. territories & peoples under a 1 rule
  4. 10. city-state that rebuilt its power and conquered Sumer
  5. 14. what Sumerians wrote on with a stylus
  6. 15. picture symbols 1st used in writing
  7. 18. Sumerian farmers, laborers, & merchants
  8. 20. lived at the very top of the ziggurats
  9. 21. evidence shows Ur even traded with a distant ______
  10. 22. daughter of Sargon 1st female writer ever
  11. 24. epic hero and King of Uruk
  12. 25. had great power in Sumer led religious ceremonies
  13. 28. kept records of govt. & merchants business
  14. 29. Kings hired them for entertainment
  15. 30. capital of the Akkadian Empire
  16. 31. lived just north of Sumer
  17. 32. animal used to symbolize fertility and strength
  18. 35. southern modern day Iraq
  19. 36. 1st writing system invented by Sumerians
  20. 37. in Sumer did not have political power
  1. 1. pyramid shaped temple rose from center
  2. 2. Sumerians invented this to spin clay
  3. 5. used to show ownership also works of art
  4. 7. long poems that tell stories of heroes
  5. 8. tools and weapons made of this metal alloy
  6. 9. central city & all the surrounding countryside
  7. 11. Sumerian invention broke hard clay soil
  8. 12. Sumerians ___________ their medical knowledge
  9. 13. healing drugs made from animals and plants
  10. 15. worship of many gods
  11. 16. Sumerians were best at this art of clay
  12. 17. the division of society by class or rank
  13. 19. 1st emperor; established 1st permanent army
  14. 23. barrier surrounding the cities
  15. 26. at the bottom of Sumerian society
  16. 27. math system of Sumerians used a base of _______
  17. 33. made from clay dried in the sun
  18. 34. each city-state had a god protector called a