Summative Assesment Crossword Puzzle Zachary Niedzwiecki

  1. 2. The “Heart” of Italian Unification, considered as one of Italy's founding fathers (First name)
  2. 4. A term used to describe the colonization of Latin America by the Spanish and Portuguese.
  3. 6. Two countries, one island
  4. 9. The indigenous people of Brazil were --------- from the foreign rule of the Portuguese Empire in 1822
  5. 11. How a group of people perceive themselves, their own country, and rivaling countries.
  6. 13. When a country is free from foriegn rule and has the right to create their own form of government.
  7. 16. The Haitain ----------, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, was ultimately a success as the Haitians gained independence from the French.
  8. 17. The country West of Spain.
  9. 18. A piece of land that sticks out like a sore thumb and almost completely surrounded by water.
  10. 19. When Germany and Prussia became one.
  11. 20. The mountain range that encompasses Chile and Peru of South America.
  1. 1. This large South American country was previously ruled by the Portuguese Empire the gained independence in a bloodless revolution
  2. 3. A white person born in Spain or Portugal. They were atop the social class system during colonialism in Latin America.
  3. 5. a group of related people and their way of life such as religion, foods, ideas and beliefs, and language.
  4. 7. The French enforced that Haiti could only trade with France and no one else.
  5. 8. Latin America is known as a ------ because it is not a specific country, rather a general area that is given a name.
  6. 10. The third estate of the French social class system prior to the French revolution consisted of these people.
  7. 12. Hey! You're from a different country. Therefore, you cannot rule over me and my people!
  8. 14. This empire conquered what is now modern day Brazil during the late 18th century.
  9. 15. Dom Pedro I, the son of the King of Potrugal, convinced his father to let Brazil become an independent nation. Therefore, Brazil underwent a --------- revolution to gain independence.