Summative Review: MANIA and the Causes of WWI

  1. 6. mutual defense agreements
  2. 7. the conquest of foreign lands to create or expand an empire
  3. 8. at the time, people called WWI the _______ War.
  4. 10. the political murder of a prominent person for political purposes
  5. 12. most important branch of the military that connected the world’s colonies, trading centers, and commerce.
  6. 13. the name of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated launching WWI
  7. 14. country over which France and Germany conflicted during the Scramble for Africa
  8. 16. Germany instigated Austria-Hungary into declaring war on Serbia by offering this, which essentially said Germany would do whatever was necessary to help Austria-Hungary
  9. 17. the name of the 19 year old who assassinated the Archduke and of Austria-Hungary and his pregnant wife
  10. 18. this Revolution led to the mechanization of warfare and the mass production of weapons making WWI “The First Modern War”
  11. 20. This country was actually neutral, but was was dragged into the war regardless due to a German invasion
  12. 21. the Bosnian, Serb nationalist group responsible for the assasinatpn of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
  1. 1. the belief that all nations (cultural/ethnic groups) should have their own country exclusively
  2. 2. region in Austria-Hungary in which Serb nationalism too hold
  3. 3. This country preemptively declared war on both Russia and France
  4. 4. the Triple ______ consisted of Italy, Germany, and Austria- Hungary
  5. 5. the increase in the empower and influence of a country’s military through the build up of the armaments and personnel of the military
  6. 9. the Triple ______ consisted of Russia, Britain, and France
  7. 11. this naval race resulted from the idea that: “Whoever controls the waves controls the world.”
  8. 15. WWI expanded from a European war into a world war because many countries, such as Britain and France, possessed these
  9. 19. continent nearly entirely colonized just prior to WWI