Summer :)

  1. 2. a place where people go to for a few weeks
  2. 5. what kids like to build at the beach
  3. 8. what people use when they are in the ocean
  4. 9. what you bring to the beach to keep drinks and fruit cool
  5. 11. The month that a lot of kids like for a special reason
  6. 13. what you wear to prevent hurting your eyes
  7. 14. where there is a lot of people inside and have fun during Summer
  8. 15. what a lot of people like to eat on a hot day (two words)
  9. 16. What people do to relax
  1. 1. Something good to drink when it is very hot on a relaxing day
  2. 2. what you need to wear when it is really hot
  3. 3. A place with different water-like activites
  4. 4. What you play with at the beach
  5. 6. what you need to dry yourself after being in the water
  6. 7. where people go to so they can relax in the water
  7. 10. a day we celebrate on July (two words)
  8. 12. what you see at the the beach
  9. 13. what you can find at the beach