
  1. 2. Marked by a relatively high level of water vapor in the atmosphere
  2. 6. Protects your skin from the sun's harsh rays
  3. 7. Dessert served in a cup or cone
  4. 9. Build this when the tide is low or watch it quickly disappear
  5. 14. An extended period of leisure and recreation
  6. 15. Large fruit that's red on the inside and green on the outside and has black seeds
  7. 16. Assists swimmers and keeps them safe
  1. 1. Soft-bodied beetles that glow
  2. 3. A flying disc
  3. 4. A fun way to enjoy an outdoor meal, as long as the ants don't show up
  4. 5. Keeps you dry during a rain storm
  5. 8. A great way to cook ribs
  6. 10. Where to get relief from the sun
  7. 11. A display that lights up the sky
  8. 12. A two-piece women's bathing suit
  9. 13. A dive into this is refreshing on a hot day