
  1. 2. Summer is the season for backyard ___.
  2. 5. Fourth of July display.
  3. 7. Bloom.
  4. 8. A popular summer treat.
  5. 9. Frozen snack.
  6. 11. Where sand meets water.
  7. 13. Getaway.
  8. 14. Longest day of the year.
  9. 15. When life gives you lemons, make ___.
  1. 1. Too much sun.
  2. 3. Out for summer.
  3. 4. Fun way to cool off.
  4. 6. Built on the beach.
  5. 10. Protects skin.
  6. 12. Lawn care.
  7. 14. Rays, shine, flower.