
  1. 3. you throw this toy to others
  2. 7. noone wants this
  3. 8. very common place to go to play with water is the _____
  4. 9. block your eyes from the sun
  5. 11. cold dessert
  6. 12. travel somewhere for _____
  7. 13. a slide full of water is a _____
  8. 16. fruit that is very pink and refreshing.
  9. 17. where you go when your parents have to work
  1. 1. a ______ protects you when you are in the pool
  2. 2. summer has a lot of___
  3. 4. protect yourself from the sun
  4. 5. a fun way to make food with your family. (____ sauce)
  5. 6. some people open ____ stands to earn money
  6. 7. clothes that can get wet
  7. 10. everyone wants this
  8. 14. in the summer everyone is ____
  9. 15. where water and sand meet