
  1. 2. childrens place to play
  2. 3. type of clothing you wear on your legs
  3. 4. something you do at campgrounds
  4. 7. fun thing to do on the back of a boat
  5. 9. something to celebrate with for the 4th of July
  6. 11. you dance at these
  7. 14. bugs that bite and make you itch
  8. 15. you sweat when it’s this weather
  9. 17. thing to eat when it's hot
  10. 19. pretty thing to watch on porch
  11. 21. place with water and sand
  12. 23. school ends in this month
  1. 1. you wear this at the beach/pool
  2. 5. what happens when you sit in the sun for to long
  3. 6. fun place with amusement park rides
  4. 8. fire and wood
  5. 10. piece of tarp with water and soap
  6. 12. you invite your friends to eat
  7. 13. water vehicle
  8. 15. treat with marshmallows and chocolate and graham crackers
  9. 16. sport people play
  10. 18. trip in the car for a long time
  11. 20. place to hang with friends
  12. 22. 4th of july is in this month