
  1. 1. something to do in the waves
  2. 2. a frozen juice snack
  3. 4. where your parents send you
  4. 8. what you feel in your toes at the beach
  5. 9. something you roast over a campfire
  6. 11. like a canoe
  7. 12. the bright ball of fire in the sky
  8. 15. a type of cookout
  9. 16. something to drink in the summer
  1. 1. something you wear when swimming
  2. 2. a swimming area
  3. 3. the largest swimming area in the world
  4. 5. the easy shoes
  5. 6. something else you can fish off of
  6. 7. something you roast marshmallows over
  7. 8. blocks the sun
  8. 10. the weather
  9. 13. like a kayak
  10. 14. cream you can get it from DQ
  11. 15. something you can fish off of