
  1. 3. A sport the requires a bat and a ball
  2. 5. Something to read.
  3. 6. The __________ of July is a holiday in the summer.
  4. 7. Got a sunburn? Use this to make it feel better.
  5. 8. The star that is the center of the Solar System
  6. 10. What you watch in the sky on the Fourth of July
  7. 13. People who are close to you, but not family.
  8. 18. A Fruit that is green on the outside and red on the inside
  9. 19. Too _______ for school.
  10. 20. A place that has water and sand- people usually spending their vacations here.
  11. 23. A cold delicious treat that usually comes in chocolate and vanilla flavors
  12. 24. when it is hot outside this might roll down your face.
  13. 26. I like to hear the _________ crashing in the ocean.
  14. 29. An event where you takeout a blanket and eat outside
  15. 30. If you don't put on sunscreen you may get __________.
  16. 32. opposite of cold
  17. 33. The warmest season of the year
  18. 37. A beverage that is made from lemons
  19. 38. castle What you usually make at the beach.
  20. 39. a good way to exercise outside.
  1. 1. The sixth month of the year
  2. 2. Tiny bright things in the sky at night.
  3. 4. Use these to protect your eyes from the sun
  4. 5. Opposite of a sister.
  5. 9. to take a rest during the middle of the day
  6. 11. An open body of water that you can swim in
  7. 12. Something you use to take a picture
  8. 14. Sit back and _________________.
  9. 15. An outdoor event that requires a grill
  10. 16. to get away and relax
  11. 17. You trade in your pants for these.
  12. 21. something you wear on your head
  13. 22. An outdoor activity that usually requires a tent
  14. 25. Pools are full of this
  15. 27. What you do in water?
  16. 28. The Mississippi ______________.
  17. 30. A delish treat to make at a campfire
  18. 31. The seventh month of the year
  19. 34. A summer meal that is usually served with mustard
  20. 35. The largest ocean.
  21. 36. Five plus five equals ____________.