
  1. 2. a sea creature with large claws that usually moves sideways
  2. 3. a part of the ocean that is partly surrounded by land
  3. 5. small gritty particles of rock found at the beach
  4. 6. a hot glowing ball in the sky
  5. 8. a hard covering of a small animal found at the beach or in the sea
  6. 9. a small flying insect usually black and yellow that likes nectar
  7. 10. a small flying insect that bites you
  8. 11. you can surf on this or dive in it
  9. 12. when the temperature rises above 30 degrees
  1. 1. you can dive in it or surf on it
  2. 3. a plant that grows in the direction of the sun
  3. 4. you can watch this in the evening
  4. 5. you can watch this in the morning
  5. 7. an animal in the sea with a round, soft body and many tentacles
  6. 9. this animal is a caterpillar first
  7. 11. when it's not too cold and not too hot