
  1. 2. What you do in the lake?
  2. 3. Candy is thrown at the best______.
  3. 5. Activity done when it is raining.
  4. 11. You don't want to get bit by these.
  5. 12. Unwanted slithering friends.
  6. 16. Lunch at the park
  7. 17. Baseball is better played.
  8. 19. No work only play on the ___________?
  9. 20. after a hot rain it tends to get?
  10. 21. Homes on the Beach.
  11. 22. America's favorite pasttime.
  12. 23. Small boat for one.
  13. 24. Where all your gnomes live.
  1. 1. Great on the BBQ Grill.
  2. 2. Grilled on to medium rare.
  3. 4. A person walking the trails.
  4. 6. You do this to get dinner?
  5. 7. This can spoil your day?
  6. 8. A party might include a large one of these.
  7. 9. You go ______ using a tent, RV or camper?
  8. 10. Made from chocolate, marshmallow, gram crackers.
  9. 13. keeps your feat cool
  10. 14. A thirst reliver.
  11. 15. If you are not running you are?
  12. 18. Small Pants.
  13. 21. A perfect night is a _____ night.