
  1. 1. Mini treasures along the shore that are collected
  2. 5. Summer to Spaniards
  3. 7. They will eat your food on the beach
  4. 11. Popular "cool-down" dessert
  5. 12. June 21st
  6. 15. Common beach attire for women
  7. 16. Holiday marking summer's end
  1. 2. Used to protect one's eyes from the sun
  2. 3. Popular "cool-down" beverage (and what many little kids make stands for)
  3. 4. Go-to jump off a diving board for many
  4. 6. Popular 4th of July celebration
  5. 8. Best of the four seasons, according to many
  6. 9. Getaway from home
  7. 10. Holiday marking summer's kickoff
  8. 13. What happens when one sits outside for too long without sunscreen
  9. 14. Color of both sand and sun-kissed skin