
  1. 1. rearrange cinpic
  2. 3. "surf boards are used to go ____"
  3. 5. food that comes from the deep dark ocean
  4. 6. fruit from cocoa
  5. 7. place where you can swim and hang out
  6. 8. "Sally found ____ on the seashore"
  7. 12. very long tree found in tropical areas
  8. 13. frozen soda originally called epsickle
  9. 14. planks you never use
  10. 17. rearrange psolfflip
  11. 19. usual climate for Florida year round
  12. 20. "Lets go on a ____!"
  13. 21. "He went to the lake to go ___"
  14. 22. given out on the beach and it can melt
  1. 2. flames get left out from above, you can eat marshmallows
  2. 3. castle on a beach
  3. 4. place to rest or to swing on
  4. 5. tinted frames
  5. 7. "He's gonna roast a ____"
  6. 9. injury caused when you don't use sunscreen
  7. 10. fruit made out of water
  8. 11. rearrange esimwuti
  9. 15. put sand inside
  10. 16. fire puppy
  11. 18. rearrange deanolme