
  1. 3. , short "trips"
  2. 5. , sitting outside and eating
  3. 8. , what you drive at the course
  4. 9. , place animals live
  5. 10. , hot summer treat made over a fire
  6. 14. , shoes for summer
  7. 15. , summer ______________
  8. 16. , relief for skin
  9. 17. , what happens when you don't use sunblock
  10. 18. , woman/ girls clothing
  11. 19. , filled with sand and smells salty
  12. 20. , smells like chlorine & you swim in it
  1. 1. , what you use to get somewhere
  2. 2. , we have "10,000"
  3. 4. , cold and non-dairy treat
  4. 6. , long flying bugs
  5. 7. , relative temperature
  6. 11. , cold dairy treat
  7. 12. , rain, lightning, and tornadoes are what?
  8. 13. , what you find in the sand