
  1. 6. a hot season.
  2. 7. Its super important to drink ___ to stay hydrated.
  3. 10. A refreshing fruit!
  4. 12. you get a _____ when in the sun for too long.
  5. 13. Its very important to have this in your house so its not too hot.
  6. 15. Can HELP prevent a sunburn!
  7. 16. Going out somewhere and spending the night!
  8. 17. Something youll see when you look up.
  9. 18. Now that school is out, and can ___ in more!
  10. 19. a really important thing to keep you cool outside.
  1. 1. Another word for exploring but more fun.
  2. 2. something you use to keep food cold when out and about.
  3. 3. this makes it even HOTTER in the summer and MUCKYER.
  4. 4. a lot of people do this during summer.
  5. 5. Lots of people hang out with ____ during the summer.
  6. 6. a biggest star.
  7. 8. a popular place to go to during summer.
  8. 9. something you can make at the beach
  9. 11. something you can slip on to protect your feet.
  10. 12. what do you wear in the pool?
  11. 14. a popular cold desert