
  1. 1. A place with the ocean where you normally go for a vacation.
  2. 3. cream: A frozen food made by mixing cream and milk products and made in many different flavors.
  3. 6. Glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare.
  4. 8. A piece of soft cloth used to wipe or dry the face, body, dishes, or other things.
  5. 10. A protective outer layer of the body of an animal, such as turtle, crab, etc.
  6. 12. tree: A tropical evergreen plant/tree.
  7. 13. Is the star at the center of the solar system.
  8. 14. A round object used in sports and games.
  9. 15. A toy castle made on the beach by molding wet sand
  1. 2. A fruit which contains hard flesh and milky liquid that can be used for food.
  2. 4. An object that you put on your head for protection or decoration.
  3. 5. A place where you go when you want to swim.
  4. 7. A lotion that is put on the skin to protect against sunburn.
  5. 9. A long board which a person kneels,stands or lies while riding the waves.
  6. 10. A piece of clothing worn for swimming.
  7. 11. An object that is used to shield against the rain or sun.