
  1. 4. Miss Berends calls this an icypole.
  2. 6. A place with water and sand.
  3. 7. Type of shoes.
  4. 10. Miss Berends wears these outside.
  5. 14. You need to wear this in the sun.
  6. 15. A type of climate.
  7. 16. You might get burned in the sun without this.
  8. 17. A summer month.
  9. 18. Rides the waves.
  1. 1. A summer month.
  2. 2. Something we look forward to at the end of the school year.
  3. 3. "Mine.Mine.Mine"
  4. 5. Sand is made from these.
  5. 8. This is delicious!
  6. 9. A summer month.
  7. 11. A sport you do in water.
  8. 12. You dry yourself with this.
  9. 13. Is a summer month in Australia.