Summer Activities

  1. 2. a place to swim.
  2. 3. use pencil and paper.
  3. 5. bicycle.
  4. 6. a place to find books.
  5. 7. prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  6. 8. place to learn about animals.
  7. 10. place to watch movies.
  8. 12. person who run.
  9. 13. cream. something sweet and cold.
  10. 14. writing competition.
  1. 1. hiking places.
  2. 2. make pictures with acuarela or oil paint.
  3. 4. salty snack, made of corn.
  4. 7. sweet and crunchy snack.
  5. 9. to look for books or articles to learn.
  6. 11. ocean.