Summer Crossword

  1. 2. Comes after spring
  2. 3. A device that plays music
  3. 6. A cold summer treat that comes in fruity flavors
  4. 7. Something that everyone catches up on during summer vacation
  5. 8. When a student leaves high school
  6. 9. A plant that is in full bloom during the summer
  7. 12. A common summer sport that is very popular in America
  8. 13. If it’s not cold it is
  9. 15. The opposite of outdoors
  10. 16. A device that keeps a house cold
  11. 17. A body of water that is surrounded by concrete
  1. 1. Something people use to keep cool
  2. 2. A sport played with a large green ball and uses a bat
  3. 4. The most popular sweet treat for summer
  4. 5. Things that people like to go watch and eat popcorn during
  5. 7. A place that is not open during the summer
  6. 9. A common state that people go to for the summer
  7. 10. A trip that usually lasts a week or so
  8. 11. A usually sandy place by the water
  9. 14. A place where little kids go to play