Summer - Medium

  1. 2. Sandy place
  2. 3. Do it on water in summer, on snow in winter.
  3. 6. You might lie on it on the beach, or dry yourself with it
  4. 12. A patty on a bun
  5. 14. You build me up, but the waves knock me down
  6. 15. Shines high in the sky and makes you hot
  7. 16. Healthy summertime transportation
  8. 17. To cut the grass, use a lawn ___er
  9. 18. From caterpillar to...
  10. 21. August is one
  11. 23. Children may fish with one.
  12. 27. Summer is a good time for playing...
  13. 30. A game people like to play at the beach
  14. 31. A long walk
  15. 32. Put this on so you don't get a sunburn
  16. 33. Something one does in the sea in the summer
  1. 1. I get long and green in the summer
  2. 4. Sugar, water, powder
  3. 5. I cause tan lines
  4. 7. We often leave them open in summer
  5. 8. A place to go in summer that has trees, picnic tables, and a playground
  6. 9. Insect with yellow and black stripes
  7. 10. Pink and green juicy fruit
  8. 11. A place to plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables
  9. 13. We are annoying and most commonly found around campfires
  10. 19. They make gardens pretty in summer.
  11. 20. Favorite summertime drink
  12. 22. Wear these on your feet to be cool
  13. 24. Protective eye wear
  14. 25. Added to water to make it cold
  15. 26. A ___is used for shade in the summer
  16. 28. Playground toy you swoosh down
  17. 29. Surfers like it strong, sunbathers don't.