summer everything

  1. 1. like the ocean but it's less salty
  2. 4. searing and boiling air
  3. 5. the water is crystal clear and you can take a cruise out there
  4. 10. red, orange, and yellow
  5. 12. 1st month of summer
  6. 14. pretty plants
  7. 16. cookout
  8. 18. you go swimming in this
  9. 19. another name for by the ocean
  10. 20. the home of sand castles
  11. 21. the car takes you around for a long time
  12. 23. July holiday
  13. 24. breeze, blowing air, stream of air going in a certain direction
  1. 1. plantae
  2. 2. dry off with this
  3. 3. middle month of summer
  4. 6. a piece of wood you ride the waves with
  5. 7. last month of summer
  6. 8. popsicle
  7. 9. eye protection
  8. 10. splash as you slide
  9. 11. estival
  10. 13. holiday
  11. 15. Dihydrogen monoxide
  12. 17. cold sweet treat
  13. 19. sleeping outdoors
  14. 22. big green summer food