Summer Heat Safety Crossword

  1. 2. Nausea, fatigue, and dizziness can be signs of ____ exhaustion
  2. 5. It is everyone's responsibility to maintain their desk electronics & power cords to prevent overheated wires from catching ____
  3. 7. Confusion, slurred speech, and even hallucinations are all signs of sever heat ______
  4. 8. Cramps are a common first sign of heat related _________ such as heat exhaustion & stoke
  5. 9. High ________ in the air increases heat stress by interfering with evaporative cooling on your skin, causing you to feel extra sticky
  6. 10. OSHA recommends drinking 32 _______ a day, or 1 cup every 15-20 minutes to prevent heat illness
  7. 12. The outdoor ___________ at which to activate a Heat Illness Prevention Program is 80F
  8. 13. When working in heat dense areas with little air flow, such as trailers, try to take hydration ______ every 15 minutes
  9. 14. Per this federal agency, employers are required to provide their employees with scheduled breaks & water
  1. 1. Periodically resting and drinking _____ regularly through out the day is your best defense against heat related illness
  2. 3. Only authorized "fire brigade" members are approved to use fire-fighting devices like fire _____________
  3. 4. In the event of a fire, use your nearest ____ to quickly evacuate
  4. 6. Drinking sport fluids with high ___________ help to prevent heat exhaustion
  5. 11. Smokey Bear says proper disposal of cigarette butts help prevent ______ fires