Summer Holidays

  1. 2. A big tub filled with water
  2. 5. When the temperature is hotter than cold but colder than hot
  3. 6. The last day of school
  4. 8. People that you like and play with
  5. 9. When someone goes to a different country
  6. 11. What people have when school is over
  7. 13. Something you wear to get the sun out of your eyes
  8. 15. A place where people go to cool of in the Summer
  1. 1. When you go around your state or country in a car
  2. 3. Things you play to pass the time
  3. 4. When we go back to learn and stuff
  4. 7. Things you play to pass the time that are on electronic platforms
  5. 10. A big ball of fire in space
  6. 12. When someone is having a good time
  7. 14. The hot season