Summer is Here! Summer is Near!

  1. 2. Everyday this item is fought over at recess
  2. 4. Your teachers name
  3. 7. William and Alejandro both play this sport?
  4. 8. What state do we live in?
  5. 9. Keylis's mom makes this item?
  6. 10. What day is our awards ceremony on?
  7. 14. The month after the next month is ?
  8. 15. What season are we in now?
  9. 16. Aubrey and Ariana are?
  10. 17. Two of our classmates have this name?
  11. 18. what grade will you be in next year?
  12. 21. How many total teachers you had this year?
  13. 22. Eli does this a lot with his family?
  1. 1. Qunicy, Jeisi, Jade, Dayleen, etc. loves to?
  2. 3. How many students are in our class?
  3. 5. She's a girl and her name starts with an A.
  4. 6. De'Yanna, Cai'Lyn, Gabriella, etc. loves to do ?
  5. 11. Maliha loves to this classroom job?
  6. 12. What month do we come back to school?
  7. 13. what grade are we in?
  8. 19. This is left a lot in the cafeteria and all over the school.
  9. 20. Next month is?
  10. 21. How many months do we have off from school?