Summer Nature Encounters

  1. 1. aka ground squirrel
  2. 6. a person's name or don't step too close to the edge
  3. 9. other types are metamorphic and sedimentary
  4. 10. tempted by lures
  5. 11. Bambi
  6. 14. colorful plants that decorate nature
  7. 17. they hide nuts and some fly
  8. 19. no legs and stealthy
  9. 20. large mountain runoff
  10. 21. one had a friend that was a hound
  11. 23. Meridian, Wilderness, Sawyer are this
  12. 25. a portable camping house
  13. 26. relatives are jaguars, tigers, lions and pumas
  14. 28. don't paddle too close to this water phenomenon
  1. 2. high-end colleges or a poisonous plant
  2. 3. Baker, Rainier, St. Helens are this
  3. 4. fairy tales had a big bad one
  4. 5. hard slow-moving water
  5. 7. colorful feathered flying creatures
  6. 8. similar to bison
  7. 12. irritating blood suckers
  8. 13. small mountain runoff
  9. 15. the Native American word means "light-colored deer"
  10. 16. 93 million miles away
  11. 18. a small hiking path
  12. 22. Baloo was one
  13. 24. one cartoon name one Atom
  14. 25. tall oxygen producers
  15. 27. often grouped with sheep