Summer Recap and Back to School

  1. 3. a standard measuring device
  2. 5. The last name of the new Physical Education teacher
  3. 6. These camps were founded in 1971
  4. 7. The largest fire in WA state history
  5. 8. The most common race length in this sport is 3.1 miles
  6. 9. Bickleton's New Science Teacher's last name
  7. 11. Graphite writing utensil
  1. 1. The second most popular world sport after soccer
  2. 2. The main activity of a fall sport
  3. 4. Something often used by students to carry things
  4. 5. The fourth installment of a "prehistoric" movie series
  5. 10. The last name of a new Bickleton teacher, also a profession