Summer Time

  1. 2. a place you might go by the ocean or a lake
  2. 4. something you might do this summer, outside maybe in the mountains or near the beach
  3. 9. when it gets really hot for a few days in the summer
  4. 13. something out might use when swimming to help you breathe underwater
  5. 14. something you might watch in July
  6. 15. a frozen treat, usually fruity
  7. 18. something you might do with family and friends this summer, a type of party
  8. 19. a summer sport you might play
  9. 22. an expression people use to talk about summer
  10. 23. yellow beverage you might drink in the summer
  11. 25. something you might use in the pool or at the beach to help you see underwater
  1. 1. something you might do to keep cool in the summer
  2. 2. something you might do if a new show comes out this summer
  3. 3. something none of you have to do/go to this summer
  4. 5. something you might watch this summer, only happens every four years
  5. 6. something you might do on summer nights when there are no clouds
  6. 7. something you might build at the beach or in a sandbox
  7. 8. a cold treat you might have this summer
  8. 10. what I hope you're doing this summer
  9. 11. something you might see in July, around the same time you see the parade
  10. 12. a yummy treat you might make around a fire this summer
  11. 16. the person who keeps you safe at the pool or beach
  12. 17. what we call your break from school in the summer
  13. 20. something you might do from a boat, beach, or pier this summer
  14. 21. something you might eat ice cream out of
  15. 24. party something you might host or go to where people hang out and swim