
  1. 1. It shines brightly in the sky by night
  2. 4. You need these to keep your eyes protected from the sun
  3. 7. Having a kick around with my mates is fun
  4. 8. You spend six glorious weeks on these
  5. 10. You cook your burgers and sausages on this
  6. 12. It makes you want to roll your sleeves up and fan yourself
  7. 14. You get to spend the night in a tent
  1. 2. It is shimmering blue and boats bob along on it
  2. 3. These fat black and yellow little guys buzz around
  3. 5. You use this to mow the lawn
  4. 6. It shines brightly in the sky by day
  5. 9. If you're not quick, it will melt
  6. 10. We are thankful for this on a hot summers day
  7. 11. You lie on millions of grains of sand whilst soaking up the sun here
  8. 13. You will need this to lie on in the pool