
  1. 2. the act of a person or thing that swims
  2. 4. mates
  3. 6. A Season
  4. 7. Bright yellow glare
  5. 9. sleeping at a different place
  6. 13. what you dry yoursef with
  7. 14. to make brown by too much sunlight
  1. 1. drinks that are bad for your teeth
  2. 2. Something you find at a beach
  3. 3. enjoyment, amusement
  4. 5. icy, flavoured cream
  5. 7. the ocean
  6. 8. the dog ______ in the pool
  7. 10. all the kids were _______ at her
  8. 11. used to protect your skin from the sun
  9. 12. a transparent liquid