
  1. 4. insect that is active during summer
  2. 5. what summer weather feels like
  3. 7. beside the ocean
  4. 8. what people wear in water
  5. 10. cold summer treat made from cream
  6. 12. Japanese families hang these in their homes
  7. 13. walking through nature
  8. 15. a round disc that people throw
  9. 16. what people do in water
  10. 17. cold summer treat made from frozen juice
  11. 18. a popular summer flower
  12. 20. eating a meal outside
  1. 1. something made out of sand
  2. 2. a way to keep us cool
  3. 3. doing nothing
  4. 5. a day off
  5. 6. a machine to keep us cool
  6. 9. summer footwear
  7. 11. sleeping outdoors
  8. 12. large green fruit
  9. 14. people go to watch these during summer
  10. 19. Japanese holiday in August