Summit Terms

  1. 2. instead of checkpoints, math has these
  2. 3. the class where you meet with your coach/mentor and set goals
  3. 4. this is the score on the rubric that is an A+ for 6th graders
  4. 8. each project ends in at least one of these
  5. 9. the color a checkpoint turns if you need major revision
  6. 11. an assessment you study for by taking notes on the resources in Summit
  7. 13. instead of projects, math has these
  8. 15. the tab on Summit that shows your grades
  9. 16. what you must have to request a content assessment
  10. 18. the tab on Summit where you can set goals
  11. 19. this shows where you should be in your classwork
  12. 20. this tab is where you see an overview of all your classes
  13. 21. how often you set goals
  14. 22. another word for "power focus area"
  1. 1. these assessments are worth 9% of your grade
  2. 5. instead of final products, math has these
  3. 6. the main portion of your grade where you can show what you've learned
  4. 7. projects are assessed on your grasp of these
  5. 10. the color a checkpoint turns if you need to finish it
  6. 12. the color a checkpoint turns if you need some revision
  7. 14. classwork you complete for feedback before the Final Product
  8. 17. the color a checkpoint turns if you need minor revision or no revision