Super Book Week Crossword 2017

  1. 2. A style in fiction which is characterised by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents. Bram Stoker’s Dracula follows this tradition, and Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey too (as a parody).
  2. 3. Nocturnal flying mammal of the order Chiroptera. It appears in several vampire / gothic stories like Dracula, and even in the Tolkien Middle Earth’s mythology. Besides, it was chosen as their symbol by at least three superheroes from Ghotam (Gothic) City.
  3. 4. Title of the only Jane Austen’s novel which consists in a female forename. It was one of the Books of the Month (in Secondary Library, last June).
  4. 6. Name of the ancient “Ent”, one of the last of tree- shepherds of Fangorn Forest, who lead the march against Isengard’s war machine, saving their world from the darkness, with the help of Merry and Pippin (The Lord of the Rings adventure).
  5. 7. Island in the North Atlantic, where both Bram Stoker and our dear teacher Harold O’Malley are from.
  6. 10. Third name of the creator of Middle Earth and its beings. Name that he and his brother shared, and that (according the family tradition) he gave to ALL of his children (including his daughter!). It means “friend of god”. Its initial capital letter appears on the author famous monogram.
  7. 11. Appellation that Jane Austen always used to sign her Works/novels; they were always described as being written “By a ____”.
  1. 1. What is the last name of the heroine of Jane Austen’s novel that celebrates the bicentenary of its posthumously publication this year?
  2. 3. EXTRA BONUS] About heroes and Bats, Barbara Gordon is a Librarian in her City Public Library, but she is also _______!
  3. 5. Forename (first or given name) of Dracula’s author, which is the same of the hero (vampire hunter) in the novel.
  4. 8. warrior maid from Rohan, she was the main human female hero in the Lord of the Rings story.
  5. 9. One of the main heroes from The Lord of the Rings saga. Clues: he is the Ring-bearer, and he is a hobbit.