Super Monkey

  1. 3. a nickname for our planet- especially when viewed from a distance
  2. 4. an RS or your predetermined feature
  3. 5. red headed actress- a crush of mine
  4. 9. to hurt or offend
  5. 12. hollywood effects tool
  6. 16. panda food
  7. 19. to remove something from an area- often used term in the military
  8. 20. a demand made by a kidnapper?
  9. 21. the opposite of good luck?
  10. 25. pretty
  11. 26. a way in to your home or building
  12. 28. digital signature
  13. 29. dylan wants the rock and kevin hart on his team to fight them
  14. 33. childs intrument
  15. 36. something easy?
  16. 39. make something appear larger
  17. 41. baseball snack
  18. 42. when you cant poo
  19. 44. docs stream platform
  20. 46. a series of questions
  21. 47. north of north cal
  22. 48. you can pronounce this multiple ways
  23. 49. one of south africa's capitals
  24. 50. you probably have eaten one(Or many?) before- dont lie
  25. 52. a large wave
  26. 55. the boss
  27. 57. its gross- white broccoli
  28. 61. a secret killer
  29. 62. cold
  30. 63. largest ocean
  31. 65. what we try to not sound like when we talk about a product
  32. 67. apple flagship
  33. 68. largest land animal
  1. 1. "YES WE CAN!"
  2. 2. a place to fuel your car
  3. 6. a season fro swimming
  4. 7. the boss at arrowhead
  5. 8. best bball player ever? jkjk but he is good
  6. 10. to make a difference
  7. 11. something that is hated or causes a feeling of disgust
  8. 13. next up from quadrillion
  9. 14. popular fps
  10. 15. the boss at happy valley
  11. 17. a fruit or a color
  12. 18. a major donut shop
  13. 22. what the boss brings to the table
  14. 23. warehouse to find tools and other stuff
  15. 24. something in place of another
  16. 27. represent a topic, usually visual
  17. 30. smells like cheese
  18. 31. next up from a million
  19. 32. first step in the scientific theory
  20. 34. placement or job role
  21. 35. 7 down competitor
  22. 36. a lot of peoples favorite comic book character-not mine
  23. 37. the actual best ever- GOAT
  24. 38. an alien would travel in this?
  25. 40. domestic offroader
  26. 43. you can marry your cousin here
  27. 45. the proper way to complete a task
  28. 51. transparent processed sand
  29. 53. home of pasta and wine
  30. 54. gas causing climate change
  31. 56. when you think itll be a quiet one but it rips hard
  32. 58. of high status or priority
  33. 59. discuss the faults of another
  34. 60. i like them gooey and warm
  35. 64. this is what this word is
  36. 66. make a change or adapt