Superheroes! #RICEGANG

  1. 2. Cyclops' real identity
  2. 4. Purple stone in Marvel
  3. 7. Superman's Kryptonian name
  4. 8. Batgirl's father
  5. 10. Island wonder woman calls home
  6. 11. Johnny Storm's superhero name
  7. 13. Super strong stone-like superhero
  8. 14. What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?
  9. 15. Wanda's origin
  1. 1. The voice of Ultron in the Avengers II
  2. 3. Superhero who can manipulate the weather
  3. 5. Rescued Tony Stark and Nebula from space
  4. 6. Iron Man's military liaison
  5. 9. Batman's favorite food
  6. 12. A patriotic hero