
  1. 2. This superhero is a billionaire.
  2. 3. This superhero turns green when he is angry.
  3. 9. This funny villain is Batman's biggest enemy.
  4. 10. Superman's girlfriend.
  5. 11. Superman's fake name.
  6. 13. This superhero can run really fast.
  7. 15. Spider-Man's girlfriend.
  8. 16. Batman's real name.
  1. 1. This Avenger shoots arrows
  2. 4. This Avenger wears an all metal suit.
  3. 5. Superheroes fight people who commit ____.
  4. 6. What Spider-man shoots out of his hands.
  5. 7. Superman can ____ in the air.
  6. 8. This superhero wears stars on his uniform.
  7. 12. Wolverine has these in his hand.
  8. 14. Thor's weapon.