
  1. 2. Superhero: Speedy, strong, Amazon princess.
  2. 4. Superhero: Web-spinner "Courtesy of you-know-who: Your friendly-neighborhood:_________!"
  3. 5. Person: Superman/Clark Kent's secret love.
  4. 9. Superhero: Poisonous, black.(female). Avenger.
  5. 11. "Kryptonite, gaah! Groan-".
  6. 12. An imp. Every 90 years, this imp goes to Superman's dimension and tries to humiliate Superman.(Put the short name).
  7. 13. Superhero: Intelligent, armor. Avenger.
  8. 14. Superhero: Black, sharp claws, Avenger.
  9. 15. Super-object: Batman does not always use wings, some times he uses SOMETHING to swing through the sky. It is a ________.
  1. 1. Super-villain: shape-shifter, color-changing, based on the famous camouflager animal:_________.
  2. 3. Super-villain: Owns the company of: LexCorp.
  3. 5. Super-villain: The god- from norse mythology-who has a million tricky-tricks up his sleeve...
  4. 6. Superhero: Spiderman's assistant, not original Spiderman.
  5. 7. Superhero: Black, echolocation.
  6. 8. Wonder Woman's real name is:_____.
  7. 10. Super-object: Green,(sometimes red or blue), a kryptonian’s threat.