
  1. 3. went under "witness protection"
  2. 4. a supernatural dimension
  3. 5. Yellow Eyes
  4. 6. known to serve demons
  5. 9. Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons tattoo
  6. 11. a magical land
  7. 12. Stab with a silver knife blessed by a priest
  8. 14. a town in Kansas
  9. 15. retired demonic general
  10. 16. more powerful than the angel that genereted them
  11. 17. the first demon Lucifer created
  12. 18. Wayward sister
  1. 1. dirty magazine
  2. 2. a higher class of angel
  3. 7. The new Death
  4. 8. Nasty virus
  5. 10. Angelic author
  6. 13. a chemistry professor who became a Prophet
  7. 14. ancient, primordial monsters
  8. 18. Hunter family