Supernatural Creatures

  1. 4. A bird that is reborn from its ashes, symbolizing renewal and immortality.
  2. 8. A male demon that seduces and has sexual relations with women in their sleep.
  3. 9. A female demon that seduces and drains the life force from men.
  4. 10. A malevolent supernatural being often associated with evil and temptation.
  5. 13. A creature that feeds on the blood of the living.
  6. 14. A large, often ugly creature depicted as a brutish and malevolent being.
  7. 16. A legendary creature said to attack and drink the blood of livestock.
  8. 17. A creature that feeds on the flesh of the dead.
  9. 18. A human that transforms into a wolf-like creature during a full moon.
  10. 19. A person with magical powers, often depicted casting spells and potions.
  1. 1. A mischievous and noisy ghost that can manipulate objects.
  2. 2. A mythical creature from Native American folklore associated with cannibalism.
  3. 3. A reanimated corpse, often associated with a hunger for human flesh.
  4. 5. A female spirit known for her wailing, signaling impending death.
  5. 6. Also known as Bigfoot, a large, ape-like creature said to inhabit forests.
  6. 7. A preserved body often wrapped in bandages, typically from ancient civilizations.
  7. 11. A half-human, half-fish creature often associated with the sea.
  8. 12. A small, mischievous creature often depicted as causing trouble.
  9. 15. A tiny, magical creature with wings, often associated with nature.
  10. 17. The spirit or soul of a deceased person that can manifest in the physical world.