Supplements List D

  1. 2. Essential metal in blood, which pregnant women may regularly become deficient in necessitating screening
  2. 3. Aromatic spice from the inner bark of certain trees used to protect against heart disease, Alzheimer's, tooth decay, diabetes, cancer, inflammation, and oxidative stress
  3. 7. Amino acid-derived compounds thought to play a role in energy production as an essential cofactor for mitochondrial long chain fatty-acid transport, used to improve heart, brain, and muscle function.
  4. 9. Anti-cavity mineral added to drinking water
  5. 10. This vitamin is associated with sunlight and plays a key role in calcium absorption
  6. 13. This plant has been used for its medicinal use due to its flower contains coumarinic acids, which is an active ingredient of anticoagulants
  7. 15. Found in joint cartilage, used to enhance cartilage shock absorption and block enzymatic breakdown of joint cartilage tissue
  8. 16. Herbal root found in many asian plants, can be made into tea to provide energy, but can also cause insomnia
  9. 17. This fat soluble vitamin has many forms but alpha tocopherol is the only one used by the human body.
  1. 1. This vitamin is crucial for immune health and is commonly found in citrus fruits
  2. 4. Pungent bulb utilized regularly in the kitchen to add flavor, and may also improve lipid panels by lowering total cholesterol and LDL.
  3. 5. Indigestible carbohydrate that can help control blood sugar and maintain digestive health
  4. 6. Powerful antioxidant found in alcoholic beverages such as red wine, which seems to have some positive effects for hay fever and obesity
  5. 8. Derived from the plant used to make linen, limited research shows potential benefits for cholesterol, diabetes, and menopause
  6. 11. An evergreen shrub of the nightshade family used to reduce anxiety through normalizing cortisol levels while reducing the risk of inflammation and cancer
  7. 12. Deficiency in this trace element is rare due to its abundance in North American soil but is associated with Keshan disease (a type of cardiomyopathy) and Kashin-Beck disease (a form of osteoarthritis).
  8. 14. A fruit commonly promoted for UTIs, although the evidence for this is limited