Supreme Court

  1. 1. people fear that a supreme court justice could ____ the court
  2. 4. judges at any level are supposed to set aside their personal and political ______
  3. 6. there are _____ justices
  4. 9. the democratic party
  5. 12. a person that looks at the text of the constitution
  6. 14. the constitution does not list any ______ for supreme court justices
  7. 16. there are 3 _____ in the government
  8. 17. the republican party
  9. 19. a justice can _____ to end their term
  10. 20. someone proposed as a candidate
  1. 2. having the power to make laws
  2. 3. the ______ vote for a new president every 4 years
  3. 5. having the power to make plans
  4. 7. when a justice dies,the president ______ someone to fill the position
  5. 8. people that make the decisions about laws
  6. 10. a rule set by a government
  7. 11. an elected leader for a country
  8. 13. some people believe in the _____ constitution theory
  9. 15. a nominee cant become a justice without the ______ approval
  10. 18. how long justices are appointed for