Supreme Court Cases

  1. 2. Established a set of rights that must be given to every person before a trial.
  2. 5. African-American girl wanted to go to an all white school; struck down separate but equal laws.
  3. 6. Seperate but equal; Jim Crow Laws allowed legal separation of races.
  4. 7. court ruled schools are allowed to search students for safety without a warrant.
  5. 8. Ruled that evidence found which wasn't covered under a warrant can't be used against you(4th Amendment).
  6. 9. Supreme Court argued that Judiciary Act was unconstitutional & established principle of Judicial Review.
  7. 11. Students used armbands during Vietnam War to school, school couldn't interfere (symbolic speech).
  8. 12. A slave moved to a free state & had to return to its owner because he was property.
  9. 13. Legalized abortion. Citing right of privacy and 14th Amendment.
  10. 14. Affirmative action.
  1. 1. Test created to see if a law or state action regarding religion is constitutional or not.
  2. 2. A state taxed a bank while congress is the only one allowed to(Supremacy & Elastic Clauses).
  3. 3. Japanese were taken to camps after Pearl Harbor causing violation of citizen rights.
  4. 4. If you can't afford a lawyer one is provided for you (6th Amendment).
  5. 10. Federal government has jurisdiction for interstate commerce (Commerce Clause).