  1. 2. established the principle of judicial review, allowing the courts to determine the constitutionality of acts of Congress.
  2. 3. a policy forbidding the admission at trial of illegally seized evidence
  3. 6. the case where the burning of the flag wasn't punished.
  4. 9. determines when the government may restrict free speech
  5. 13. the court ruled that the Constitution created "zones of privacy" and enhanced the concept of enumerated rights of the Ninth Amendment.
  6. 15. the court ruled that suspects in police custody have certain rights and that they must be informed of those rights.
  7. 17. the court case that involved resistance against Japanese internment
  8. 18. created "separate but equal"
  9. 19. the court ruled that evidence obtained without a search warrant was excluded from trial in state courts.
  10. 20. recognition of a constitutional right of privacy for a woman to determine whether to terminate a pregnancy.
  1. 1. the provision of the first amendment guaranteeing the free exercise of religion
  2. 4. ended "separate but equal" in schools
  3. 5. In March of 1857, the United States Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, declared that all blacks,slaves as well as free, were not and could never become citizens of the US.
  4. 7. the Court made the "clear and present" danger less restrictive.
  5. 8. the power of the supreme court to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws.
  6. 10. established the lemon test
  7. 11. the court ruled that wearing black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War was "pure speech" or symbolic speech, protected by the First Amendment.
  8. 12. the court ruled that in state trials, those who cannot afford an attorney will have one provided by the state.
  9. 14. an order that requires jailers to bring a prisoner before a court of judge and explain why the person is being held
  10. 16. the court ruled school-sanctioned prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.