  1. 6. Accuse or bring charges against
  2. 7. judicial decision that serves as a guide for similar cases
  3. 10. federal and state courts share the power to hear these cases
  4. 11. Transcript of proceedings made in the trial court
  5. 13. a court in which a case is first heard is said to have original jurisdiction
  6. 16. To support or strengthen
  7. 17. A violation
  8. 18. List of cases to be heard
  9. 19. Another name for a case, action
  1. 1. Satisfaction of a claim, payment
  2. 2. a court that hears a case on appeal from a lower court
  3. 3. written to make a point not made or not emphasized in the majority opinion
  4. 4. Reason that forms basis of an argument or conclusion
  5. 5. The lower federal courts
  6. 8. Involves criminal matter
  7. 9. Detailed written statements
  8. 12. A party to a lawsuit
  9. 14. Involves non-criminal matter
  10. 15. An expert in the law especially a judge or legal scholar
  11. 20. A judicial body, a court