Surface Anatomy

  1. 2. "A" in SCALP is
  2. 7. groove between lower lip and chin
  3. 9. upper side of skull is ___ region
  4. 11. region of pharynx behind oral cavity
  5. 13. forms the roof of the oral cavity
  6. 16. aka "stiff tongue"
  7. 19. aka gums
  8. 20. midpoint area above upper lip
  9. 22. part of nose between the eyes
  10. 23. ___ cartilage aka adam's apple
  11. 25. flexible bone above adams apple
  12. 27. aka nostrils
  13. 28. facial structures closest to cheek are
  14. 29. most superior part of ear
  15. 32. cloudiness of the lens forms a___
  16. 35. facial structures closest to tongue are
  17. 37. aka tear gland
  18. 38. gives eye its color
  19. 39. aka pink eye
  20. 41. facial structures close to lip are
  21. 42. "L" in SCALP is loose ___ tissue
  22. 44. cheek bone is
  23. 47. region of pharynx behind nasal cavity
  24. 48. midpoint of upper lip
  25. 49. white part of the eye
  26. 50. "S" in SCALP is
  27. 51. aka chin region
  1. 1. most inferior part of ear
  2. 3. darker part of the lips is ___ zone
  3. 4. part of eye that responds to light & accommodation
  4. 5. prominence of forehead is frontal ___
  5. 6. aka voice box
  6. 8. junction between alveola mucosa and gums is
  7. 10. aka "white line"
  8. 12. ear flap posterior to external acoustic meatus
  9. 14. lower side of skull is ___ region
  10. 15. where upper and lower eyelids meet
  11. 17. refracts light on to retina
  12. 18. neck muscle that divides neck into ant and post triangles
  13. 21. bone of upper jaw
  14. 24. "P" in SCALP is
  15. 26. back of head is ___ region
  16. 30. bone of lower jaw
  17. 31. forehead is part of ___ region of head
  18. 33. ear or ___ region
  19. 34. ear flap anterior to external acoustic meatus
  20. 36. "C" in SCALP is
  21. 40. yellow spots sometimes found in cheek area
  22. 43. aka tip of tongue
  23. 45. delicate membrane that lines inside of eyelids
  24. 46. major chewing muscle; enlarged in bruxism