Surgery and Anatomy 1000 to present day

  1. 4. name of club for ww2 burn victims supported by Mcindo who provided mental health support
  2. 7. discovered blood groups leading to blood transfusions
  3. 10. Renaissance barber surgeon who discovered ointment and ligatures instead of cauterisation
  4. 11. Renaissance surgeon who discovered blood circulation
  5. 12. Modern safer surgery through small incision
  6. 13. surgeon who used carbolic acid to sterilise surgery
  1. 1. researched X-rays and managed getting mobile X-rays to field hospitals in ww1
  2. 2. dissected animals to discover how heart and jaw worked
  3. 3. surgeon who used chloroform as anaesthetic
  4. 5. surgeon who discovered skin grafts worked with ww1 victims
  5. 6. discovered way to store blood to allow donations for transfusions in ww2
  6. 7. modern surgery can be used to correct eyesight
  7. 8. did first heart transfusion in 1967
  8. 9. ‘father of modern anayomy’dissected human bodies wrote detailed book on anatomy