Survival (Natural Disasters & Crime)

  1. 4. a place where people go when they are arrested
  2. 5. to take something that is not yours
  3. 6. not guilty
  4. 7. a weapon that shoots bullets
  5. 9. a person who defends other people in court
  6. 11. a person who lives next to another person
  7. 14. a person who steals
  8. 15. not allowed by the law
  1. 1. a destructive storm with very strong winds
  2. 2. a person who committed a crime
  3. 3. something that blocks your path
  4. 8. to continue to exist
  5. 10. a person who sees something happen
  6. 12. not strong
  7. 13. when water covers land that is usually dry