Surviving School Chorus!

  1. 3. Don't talk or _____ too much during the day.
  2. 6. The first step to getting through chorus is to think of it as a ____
  3. 8. Do not sing _______ than everyone else.
  4. 9. The musical alphabet is _____.
  5. 10. __________ carefully.
  6. 12. Music has its own ____.
  7. 13. Give chorus your full ____.
  8. 16. The basic skeleton of a particular piece of music.
  9. 17. When in doubt, _____ your teacher.
  10. 18. Chorus is a social ____.
  11. 19. Notes that support the melody.
  12. 20. Chorus is a ________ effort.
  1. 1. The lowest voice part
  2. 2. Do not sing if your voice is _____.
  3. 4. The tune of a song.
  4. 5. It is helpful to "feel" ____ by doing something physical when you sing.
  5. 7. Make sure that your back is ____.
  6. 8. Music is a product of history, ____, and math.
  7. 11. The highest voice part
  8. 14. You cannot do this and sing at the same time.
  9. 15. Chorus is a ______ builder.